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The State Of Web Development - Ajax set to surpass Flash in ‘07

Ektron and SitePoint did a survey of 5,000 web developers over the US summer, and have just released the results in a report
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del.icio.us Plans To Become A Social Network

An interview with del.icio.us founder Joshua Schachter, who is now with Yahoo after the popular social bookmarking service was acquired last December.
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Accessibility for all vs. for people with disabilities

Roger Johansson of 456berea Street on the “accessibility is for everyone” vs. “accessibility is for people with disabilities” debate
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Widsets: Nokia Mobile Widgets

Nokia has released widgets for the mobile world called WidSets. This means that you can create widgets for mobile phones just as people have gotten into creating widgets for the desktop and webtop.
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What Your CEO Forgot To Ask

A list of 18 questions your boss forgot to ask you when building a site.
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Social Networking: Time For A Silver Bullet

Social networking is hot and there is plenty of money and action in the SNS space to prove it.
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The Practical Guide To Web Typography

Simple step by step instructions to "What works and what not" of typography for Web. Deals with ideal word space, natural width of the font, etc and filled with CSS.
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Introducing SlideShare: Power Point + YouTube

SlideShare, launching this morning , lets users upload PowerPoint or Open Office presentation files and share them online in a You Tube-like interface.
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Overlapping horizontal tabs

Using relative positioning and negative margins, this CSS code creates "overlapping" horizontal tabs that each slightly overlaps the tab to the left of it.
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Markup Maker

Takes a simple list of page ids that you enter and converts it to a valid XHTML document.

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